Saturday, September 14, 2013

Technical Analysis In The Forex Market

We’re focusing on technical analysis in this article with a description of some of the important indicators.

We could say, all wealthy traders use technical analysis but not all technical analysis traders are wealthy although T.A. is the most precise way of trading the Forex market. It’s also useful note that fundamentals play their part in indicating whether a price will move up or down. It gives you the edge over other traders.

Technical Analysis is so powerful because of a few reasons

1) it represents numbers. All information and its impact on the market and traders is represented in a currency’s price.
2) It helps to predict trends and the foreign exchange market is very ‘trendy’.
3) Certain chart patterns are consistent, reliable and repeat themselves. T.A. helps us to see them.

Here’s one way of putting technical analsysis into perspective (wish I had a dollar each time I said ‘technical analysis’). We all know that prices move in trends. Research has shown that those that trade ‘with the trend’ greatly improve their chances of making a profitable trade.

Trends help you become aware of the overall market direction and often rescue us from less then profitable entry points. I attended a 2 day course costing me over $2500 AUD and the biggest thing I learned from it was the need for discipline and emotional control. The content was so basic that within the next 3 or 4 articles, I would have covered all of it. So learning the ‘tools of the trade’ the technical indicators and their applications will help you to diagnose what the market is doing but even then you need to expect ups and down and trade with emotional control.

Stay with the trend, follow the price.

Find the price of the currency pair. If EUR/USD is 1.4224 and moves to 1.4180 then 1.4090 then the market is in a down trend. Concern yourself only with what the market IS doing not what it might do. Listen to the markets and the indicators will backup what they are telling you.

Moving Averages.
Tell you the price at a given point of time over a defined period of intervals. They are called moving because they give you the latest price while calculating the average based on the selected time measure.

They lag the market so to give you an indication of a change in trend, use a shorter average such as a 5 or 10 day moving average. By combining a shorter term and longer term M.A. you can detect a buy signal when the shorter term crosses the longer term moving average in the upward direction. Or a sell signal if it crosses in a downward direction. For example, you could use a 5 day versus a 20 day moving average or a 40 day versus a 200 day moving average.
There are simple moving averages, linearly weighted which gives more importance to the recent prices or exponentially weighted. The latter is a favourite because it considers all prices in a time period but emphasizes the importance of the most recent price changes.

Based on moving averages, a MACD plots the difference between a 26 exponential moving average and a 12 day exponential moving average, with a 9 day used as a trigger line. If a MACD turns positive when the market is still plummeting it could be a strong buy signal. The converse also works.

Bollinger Bands (sounds like an elastic band)
Prices tend to stay between the upper and lower bands. They widen and become more narrow depending on the volatility of the market at the time. A sell signal would be when the moving average is above the Bollinger bands and vice versa for a buy signal. Some traders use it in conjunction with RSI, MACD, CCI and Rate of Change.

Fibonacci Retracement
Describe cycles found throughout nature and when applied to technical analysis can find shifts in the market trends.  After a climb prices often retrace a large portion sometimes all of the original move. Support and resitance levels often occur near the Fibonacci retracement levels.

Relative Strength Index measures the market activity to see whether it’s overbought or oversold. This is a leading indicator so helps to indicate what the market is going to do (awesome!). Ahigher RSI number indicates overbought (so expect a bearish shift) and a lower number indicates oversold.

Successful traders will generally use 3 or 4 signals to provide a more conculsive signal before entering a trade.

Always remember, “If in doubt, stay out!” . Technical analysis doesn’t factor in political news, a country’s economic profile or fundamental supply and demand.

Technical Analysis helps us figure out how much money to risk on a trade. How and when to enter the market and how to exit the trade for profit or to minimize loss.

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A Quick Overview About Trading In The Forex Market

Foreign currency exchange trading can be very rewarding, but can also be very intimidating to a beginner.  To get started, you will need to know some basics:

   1. What is foreign currency exchange?
   2. How is it traded?
   3. What are the benefits?
   4. What are the risks?
   5. How can I get started?

What is Foreign Currency Exchange?

The Foreign currency exchange (FOREX) market is a cash (or “spot”) market for currency.  Unlike the stock exchange, the FOREX market is not located on a trading floor or centralized on an exchange.  Instead, it is entirely electronic within a network of banks and runs 24 hours per day Sunday evening (5:00 pm EST) through Friday evening (4:00 pm EST), excluding some holidays.  The fact that it is all electronic means that you can tap into it from your computer.

How is it traded?

FOREX is traded in currency pairs, for example EUR/USD is the Euro base currency and the US dollar counter (or quote) currency.  There are six major pairs: EUR/USD, GBP/USD (Great Britian pound vs. US dollar), USD/JPY (US dollar vs. Japanese yen), USD/CAD (US dollar vs. Canadian dollar), AUD/USD (Australian dollar vs. US dollar), and USD/CHF (US dollar vs. Swiss Franc).

Currencies are traded in dollar amounts called lots.  For a “standard” account, one lot (called a standard lot) is $1,000 and controls $100,000 in currency.  For example, when you place an order to buy one lot of EUR/USD, you are buying the EUR and simultaneously selling the USD.  The margin you must put up to place the order is $1000 (for a standard lot).  You are going long the EUR and expecting it to strengthen against the USD.  For every increase of $0.0001 in the EUR, you make one “pip” (price interest point) equivalent to $10 per lot traded.

Similarly, for a “mini-account” when you place an order to sell one mini-lot (one-tenth of a standard lot) of EUR/USD, you are selling the EUR and simultaneously buying the USD.  You are going short the EUR and expecting it to weaken against the USD.  The margin requirement is $100.00 per mini-lot.  For every decrease in the EUR of $0.0001 you make one pip equivalent to $1 per mini-lot traded.

Note that unlike trading stocks, there are absolutely no restrictions on short-selling in FOREX.  Short-selling is exactly like buying – except that you’re selling of course.

The pip value and amount per pip per lot differs when the USD is not the counter or quote currency.  For example, when buying the USD/JPY pair with a ask price of 109.00 (meaning 1 USD equals 109.00 yen), a change in the Japanese yen of 0.01 yen is equivalent to 1 pip or $9.17 per pip per lot traded ($9.17 = $100,000 x 0.01 / 109.00).

The broker makes money off the spread which is the difference in the quotation ask and bid prices.  You buy the base currency at the ask price and sell it at the bid price.  Generally, the major currency pairs have relatively low spreads.  The EUR/USD is commonly two to three pips and the GPD/USD is commonly four to five pips.  For example, the current bid/ask price for EUR/USD is quoted at 1.2322/1.2324.  This means that you can buy 1 EUR (the base currency) for $1.2324 USD (the counter-currency).  You buy at the ask price.  You can sell 1 EUR for $1.2322 USD (you sell at the bid price). You will pay the broker the spread or $1.2324 - $1.2322 = $0.0002 = 2 pips. For a standard lot, the broker fee (in this example) is $10 x 2 pips = $20 per standard lot for a roundtrip trade (1 buy and matching sell or 1 sell and matching buy).  For a mini-lot, the fee would be $1 x 2 pips = $2 per mini-lot for a roundtrip trade. The broker fee is automatically deducted from your account.

Obviously, if you buy (go long) a currency pair, you expect the base currency to increase in price.  Your objective is to sell later at a price higher than you purchased and make a profit.  On the flip side, if you sell (go short) a currency pair, you expect the base currency to decrease in price.  Your objective is to buy later at a price that is lower than the price you originally sold, and thus make a profit off the difference.

There’s more to it than can be explained in this overview, but you should get the basic idea.

What are the benefits?

1. With FOREX trading, there is no inventory, no employees, and no customers.  Your overhead can be as minimal as a home computer with internet access.

2. You can get started with a “mini-account” investing as little as $300.

3. Currency prices tend to repeat in relatively predictable cycles creating strong trends. Once you learn how to trade properly, you can compound your money, and potentially turn a little into a lot.

4. You can trade for a few hours per week, or much more if you want to. It’s all up to you.

5. The FOREX market is very liquid, with trillions of dollars traded every day.  On its slowest day, orders can usually be placed within a few seconds if you stay with the major currencies.  Instantaneous execution (1 to 2 seconds) is the norm during normal trade volume days (for the major currencies).

6. You can trade from just about anywhere as long as you have a computer with internet access to your account.

What are the risks?

1. The market can be very volatile, especially during times of major news releases, also known as “fundamental announcements.”  The time of these announcements is usually known in advance.  Many traders simply stay out of the market during these announcements and wait until market volatility has settled back down.

2. If you use too much margin or risk too much on any one trade, your account could suffer badly on a trade that doesn’t go your way.  Proper risk management, including sound placement of stops and not risking more than 2 percent of your account on any one trade, can alleviate this risk.  Do not risk more money than you can afford to lose.

3. A major world event could trigger a huge volatility swing that could wipe out your account (or even more).  However, some brokers limit the loss to the amount in your account.  (Of course, a major world event could also cause the trade to go your way.)

4. Trader psychology (fear and greed) can play a big role in your success or failure as a trader.  Trading education is one of the keys to overcoming these human flaws.

5. You could fail to place a stop loss with your order.  A change in price could force a liquidation of your trade if your account falls below the required margin maintenance.  To alleviate this risk, always set a stop loss when you place an order.

This list is not meant to be inclusive. There are other risks.

How can I get started?

You can easily open an online account by selecting one from many available FOREX brokers.  You can, and should open a demo account to practice (and learn) for several months for free.  The practice account makes simulated trades using real-time data.  This is called “paper trading.” You should not trade your real account until you have proven to yourself that you can be profitable in your demo account.

Once you get started, you can trade currencies from just about anywhere.  About all you need is a computer with internet access to your trading account.  Many brokers also provide free charting software.

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A Short Look At Trading In The Forex Market

If you were wondering; forex trading is nothing more than direct access trading of different types of foreign currencies. A few years ago, foreign exchange trading was mostly limited to large banks and institutional traders however; today technological advancements have made it so that small traders can also take advantage of the many benefits of forex trading just by using the various online trading platforms to trade.

The currencies of the world are on a floating exchange rate, and they are always traded in pairs Euro/Dollar, Dollar/Yen, etc. About 85 percent of all daily transactions involve trading of the major currencies.

Four major currency pairs are usually used for investment purposes. They are: Euro against US dollar, US dollar against Japanese yen, British pound against US dollar, and US dollar against Swiss franc. Right now I will show you how they look in the trading market: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, and USD/CHF. As a note you should know that no dividends are paid on currencies.

If you think one currency will appreciate against another, you may exchange that second currency for the first one and be able to stay in it. In case everything goes as you plan it, eventually you may be able to make the opposite deal in that you may exchange this first currency back for that other and then collect profits from it.

Transactions on the FOREX market are performed by dealers at major banks or FOREX brokerage companies. FOREX is a necessary part of the world wide market, so when you are sleeping in the comfort of your bed, the dealers in Europe are trading currencies with their Japanese counterparts.

Therefore, it is reasonable for you to believe that the FOREX market is active 24 hours a day and dealers at major institutions are working 24/7 in three different shifts. Clients may place take-profit and stop-loss orders with brokers for overnight execution.

Price movements on the FOREX market are very smooth and without the gaps that you face almost every morning on the stock market. The daily turnover on the FOREX market is somewhere around $1.2 trillion, so a new investor can enter and exit positions without any problems.

The fact is that the FOREX market never stops, even on September 11, 2001 you could still get your hands on two-side quotes on currencies. The currency market is the largest and oldest financial market in the world. It is also called the foreign exchange market, FX market for short. It is the biggest and most liquid market in the world, and it is traded mostly through the 24 hour-a-day inter-bank currency market.

When you compare them, you will see that the currency futures market is only one per cent as big. Unlike the futures and stock markets, trading currencies is not centered on an exchange. Trading moves from major banking centers of the U.S. to Australia and New Zealand, to the Far East, to Europe and finally back to the U.S. it is truly a full circle trading game.

In the past, the forex inter-bank market was not available to small speculators because of the large minimum transaction sizes and strict financial requirements.

Banks, major currency dealers and sometimes even very large speculator were the principal dealers. Only they were able to take advantage of the currency market's fantastic liquidity and strong trending nature of many of the world's primary currency exchange rates.

Today, foreign exchange market brokers are able to break down the larger sized inter-bank units, and offer small traders like you and me the opportunity to buy or sell any number of these smaller units. These brokers give any size trader, including individual speculators or smaller companies, the option to trade at the same rates and price movements as the big players who once dominated the market.

As you can see, the foreign exchange market has come a long way. Being successful at it can be intimidating and difficult when you are new to the game. So if you want to step into this market, first thing you do is get the right knowledge and educate yourself until you feel ready to jump in.

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A Look At How Currency Pairs Effect Each Other

Global currencies don’t ride the trends in isolation. The apparent technical movement between two currencies in a pair may cause an effect in the behaviour of each separate currency. A third currency will also have some bearing on the rise or fall of a seemingly unrelated pair, in the view of an intermediate or beginning trader. Even seasoned trend cowboys may miss the odd significant event that results in a trade loss.

Technical analysis often comprises the bulk of the independent speculator’s trade decisions, but some attention to fundamental news must be included for a complete overview of what is happening in the market at that particular moment. Neither weather, beetles, drought, hostile takeovers nor indicted CEO’s have much real bearing on currency values, but the timing of the release of economic reports should determine if a trade is viable or not.

A rising tide raises all ships, but the trading ocean is made of waves, with deep troughs and high crests. A rising ship may have a tether to another that is dropping down the other side of the swell. As one currency in a trade pair rises, it may pull another currency up with it, or just the opposite. A drop in the Euro may allow an increase in the value of the GBP, which will certainly have an influence on the USD/GBP spread.

So when considering the merits of a good trade, also take into account the activity of each currency’s most closely related cousin. When trading the Canadian dollar, you must certainly consider the relative movement, or lack thereof, in the US dollar. Canada’s largest trading partner is the US, so fluctuations in the US economy may or may not have an effect on the Loonie, depending on the gravity of the news.

The UK maintained their own currency, the British Pound, but the economic business of Europe can still influence the directional trend of the Pound Sterling. The French Franc will also be swayed by the enterprise of the communal Euro. As you analyze your charts, take care to make a quick examination of any volatile activity in any similar currency.

The average day trader and individual speculator cannot possibly keep up with all the economic news released each day and still have time to trade and eat lunch, and old news has already shown itself in the charts. One must pay attention to important published economic developments, and generally avoid trading on report days. But the trend will indicate market sentiment, and great profits can be made by keeping the major focus on technical analysis.

International bankers and currency houses have developed complex mathematical models to track currency correlation, but these are beyond the scope of this article. In summary, just check how related currencies are trending, when preparing a trade. Another quick analytical tool for the traders’ arsenal is always a good thing. May your winners run long.

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Getting The Advantages Of Floor Traders

Traders who make their living on the floor of an exchange have some things that I think are advantages. You see floor traders can draw from their senses. What I mean by this is they can use sight, sound, and speech. These are advantages that they add to their arsenal when trading. The pit on a trading floor looks very chaotic but there is a simplistic ebb and flow to what is going on there. I will explain how this is an advantage.

When you trade on a computer you are only watching the price movements on a chart and you base your trading decisions accordingly. On the floor the action of people moving around can often tip traders to which markets are about to go higher. Just like all people, traders will gravitate to where the action is happening.

Trading on a computer does not allow for the noise of the action to influence you. Traders who are on the floor can hear the crowd noise rise and fall. This is much like a football game. If you were busy and not watching the game you could still have an idea of how it is going by listening to others in the crowd who are cheering or not according to the action on the field. This is particularly an advantage if you are in a position and looking for a good place to exit. You can judge momentum of the current market direction and get a feel for when to exit.

The advantage of speech is obvious. You are spending your day surrounded by others that make a living in the same business. Information and strategy can be discussed with peers and better understood. When breaking news hits you will hear first hand what other market movers think about it.

These are a few of the advantages that I feel the floor trader has on his side. some of these can be replicated and taken advantage of by traders based at home.

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Friday, September 13, 2013

A Few Tips For The Forex Beginner

Currency trading is a platform where individuals speculate on the exchange rate between two currencies. Traders buy and sell currencies hoping to realize a profit. In order to succeed in currency trading you will need a source of accurate and timely information. You'll need to familiarize yourself with a whole new language.

When you start currency trading you'll learn what a market trend is and how it will affect your trading. Trends move up, down and sideways. There are also trend classifications within market trends. These classifications are intermediate, short-term and long-term trend. You'll learn how to look at and understand basic trend lines, which is the most valuable trading. You'll learn about channel lines and support levels.

When you enter currency trading you'll be able to make sales online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unlike the Stock Market. Many online brokers offer commission free trading and you'll want to make sure that you have instant execution of your market orders.

A new addition to many currency trading online business sites is the ability to set up a free demo account. This is a good way to get practice about trading and learn about live quotes, charts and streaming news before you start investing with real money.

When you set up your demo account it's a good time to test the software that the company offers. If you don't like the software program, contact the company and see how similar it is to the software program you would get if you signed a contract with them. If you don't like the software program try another broker. Also, decide if you want web based or client based software. Web based software is housed on your brokers website, you won't have to install any software onto your computer. A web based software program will allow you to log in from any computer that has an internet connection. Client based software is loaded onto your computer, and can only be accessed from that computer, potentially limiting your usage.

Another thing you'll want to check before choosing an online broker is how quickly they respond to your need for help. Seeing how quickly they respond to your questions could be key in how they respond to customer needs. If you don't get a speedy and accurate reply you may not want to trust them with your business.

You'll need to have high speed internet connection in order to succeed in currency trading online. The currency trading market is a fast moving one and dial up internet access will not work well for this. Another consideration could be the location of the servers used by your broker. If your broker's servers are located quite a distance from you, say in another country, this could potentially slow down your transmissions.

Take you time and investigate online brokers. Talk with friends and family about their dealings with online brokers. Take time and do a thorough evaluation of your options before you trust anyone with your money.

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Can You Really Get Rich Trading Currencies?

What are you really selling or buying in the currency market?

The short answer is nothing. The retail FX market is purely a speculative market. No physical exchange of currencies ever takes place. All trades exist simply as computer entries and are netted out depending on market price. For dollar-denominated accounts, all profits or losses are calculated in dollars and recorded as such on the trader's account.

The primary reason the FX market exists is to facilitate the exchange of one currency into another for multinational corporations who need to trade currencies continually (for example, for payroll, payment for costs of goods and services from foreign vendors, and merger and acquisition activity). However, these day-to-day corporate needs comprise only about 20% of the market volume. Fully 80% of trades in the currency market are speculative in nature, put on by large financial institutions, multi-billion dollar hedge funds and even individuals who want to express their opinions on the economic and geopolitical events of the day.

Meaning of Trading in Pairs

Because currencies always trade in pairs, when a trader makes a trade he or she is always long one currency and short the other. For example, if a trader sells one standard lot (equivalent to 100,000 units) of EUR/USD, she would, in essence, have exchanged euros for dollars and would now be short euro and long dollars. To better understand this dynamic, let's use a concrete example. If you went into an electronics store and purchased a computer for $1,000, what would you be doing? You would be exchanging your dollars for a computer. You would basically be short $1,000 and long 1 computer. The store would be long $1,000 but now short 1 computer in its inventory. The exact same principle applies to the FX market, except that no physical exchange takes place. While all transactions are simply computer entries, the consequences are no less real.

Great Returns in Currency Trading

The opportunities for unmatched returns and investment protection in the brave new world of foreign currency investing are second to none. In Foreign Currency Trading, financial executives Russell Wasendorf, Sr., and Russell Wasendorf, Jr., describe foreign currency trading in plain terms, and help you understand the risks, benefits, and operational requirements that you will need to take advantage of this market’s tremendous potential. Look to Foreign Currency Trading for clear explanations on the mechanics of foreign currency trading, in-depth discussion of all pertinent foreign exchange rules and regulations, and a comprehensive glossary with literally hundreds of terms essential to forex trading. With formerly imposing currency trading restrictions having been struck down in recent court rulings, the world of foreign currency trading is an exciting and rapidly-expanding field.

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The Forex Market Finding Your Niche

Currency trading is quite similar to trading stocks on the market. While you may or may not have any familiarity with those options, you should know that trading in this form is quite popular and it keeps gaining in popularity. There are many reasons for that, but in most cases it is popular because it works and is quite straightforward which makes it very well worth your time.

Currency trading is a method of trading based on the value of currency. In most cases, the world’s economy is the judge of how much you can and will make. This is different than with stocks which rely heavily on the United State’s economy. In this case, you are dealing with world markets and world currency rates.

The basis is very simple. You simply will purchase currency at a time in which it is worth less. For example, the dollar is worth more. You purchase low and then as the economy strengthens in that country, you can sell to make a profit. Basically you turn in your money for dollars again.

But, that is quite a simplistic look at it. There are many things that influence currency trading. What makes it attractive to anyone, anywhere is that you can invest pennies or quite a bit of money. Obviously you can make more money, the more you invest, but you still make money either way. Currency trading is a market that many are looking to get into for that very reason.

There are many currency trading options available to you to help you as well. You will find that people often have a system in place to help them monitor and make sales. This software is able to be found throughout the web and can be quite beneficial if you want to do the trading yourself. If you do not, you can easily get the help of any of the currency trading advisers out there. It’s a great opportunity!

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Increase Your Forex Profits By Understanding These Myths

Below you will find the six common beliefs followed by the bulk of traders - and if you believe these myths as well, then they will restrict your chances of making significant currency trading profits.

Ninety percent of currency traders believe at least one or more of these myths - which explains why ninety percent of traders don’t make much profit by trading currencies!

1. You should always be in the Market in Case you Miss a Move

Traders love excitement, and their view is, if they are in the market they may catch the big move. Well they may - but chances are they won’t.

The big trends only come a few times a year in each currency - and you should stay out the market until they come, otherwise you will take losses, and run up commissions that will deplete your account.

Wait for the big trades - patience is a virtue in trading.

2. Diversification Reduces Risk, and Increases Profit Potential

Diversification simply dilutes your profits.

You hit a big move, and your other trades that lose, or give you only marginal profits, eat up all your currency-trading profits.

You need to have confidence to go for the big moves, when they occur, and load up these trades.

Currency trading is about calculated risks - if the trade looks good, hit it hard for big profits.

3. Day Trading is Better than Long Term Trend Following, as it’s Less Risky.

Many brokers spread this myth - and why not? - They make more commission if you believe it!

You will end up having more losses than profits in your trading. You will never make enough money in a day to cover your inevitable losses. When you add in commission and slippage, it’s inevitable that you will lose.

You need to hold longer-term trends, as these yield the big profits to cover your smaller losses.

4. Timing the Market is the Correct Way to Make Profits

Timing the market means you are trying to PREDICT where prices are going to top and bottom - this is not a good way to trade and the odds are against you.

A better way to trade is to wait for the market to CONFIRM a trend is under way, and jump on board. You may not buy the bottom or sell the high, but you can catch the major chunk in between - and with currency trends lasting for many months or years, you can still get plenty of profits from the trend.

5. Markets are the Same Today as they Were Hundreds of Years Ago

Rubbish! Trends now are much more volatile than they were even 50 years ago. Why? Today, with the Internet, price information reaches every corner of the globe in a split second. This increases volatility as everyone has the same information at once - and everyone tries to enter the market at the same time.

This was not the case even 50 years ago - the trends are still there, but volatility is much higher - traders get the direction of the trend right, but they find themselves stopped out by the volatility. How often has this happened to you? - It happens to all traders. Look at using options to give you staying power.

6. You can use a Black Box System to Make Money

You can buy a system from a vendor for a few thousand dollars - and it can make 50 to 100% profit per annum.

These systems normally have a hypothetical track record - and use price information where the results are already known, and of course, the logic of the system remains hidden from you - as it’s unlikely to have a sound basis.

Have you ever wondered why these vendors sell systems, when they could simply get a bank loan and trade their own systems?

Enough said on this one!

How about some Positive Advice?

If you want to make big currency trading profits, you need to do it for yourself.

Get a plan you have confidence in, and execute the plan with discipline - and have the courage to trade for large gains when they occur.

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Who Wants To Be A Forex Expert

Any one who has ventured into the real market place would definitely have an idea what a Forex is and share the many promises and possibilities this horizon can bring.

What Is Forex?

FOREX stands for the very popular Foreign Exchange Market. Sometimes, though, people associate it or equate it to mean also currencies.

Basically, forex is where people trade. The objects of the trading are the different foreign currencies. People buy and sell the currencies.

The exchange market and the trading as we know it today started in the 1970’s. It has no definite place. It has no definite location. The foreign exchange market is found wherever there is a financial center where people conduct constant exchanges and buying and selling.

To ensure definite success in this field, the main goal has to be kept in mind. The keywords to traders in the foreign exchange market are to ‘buy low and sell high.’ This is the way to get the profits coming in.

Why Are People Trading in the Forex?

More and more people are turning into the forex trading now. It has become popular once again and people want to enjoy the success this can bring.

There are also no strict requirements to join the market. Anybody can enter it and learn how to trade. Some even study beforehand to be prepared for the big trading.

Another good aspect about forex is the absence of too many fees to be able to join in. There are no commissions, no brokerage fees and no government fees.

The best thing by far is that trading can be done at home. Anyone can initiate a trade online. This spells big for people who stay at home, especially those who do not feel comfortable in engaging on online businesses. With proper training and computer with internet access at hand, success is within the bounds of the home.

How Does One Trade Successfully in the Foreign Exchange Market?

The purpose of ‘to buy low and to sell high’ must be kept in mind when trading in the forex. This will be the main vision of a trader to succeed.

The next task at hand is to know the trends. This means knowing when a particular currency will buy low or sell high. This is not mere prediction of possible turn of events.

Thus, forex requires strategies that have been tested to make sure that a decision will be profitable. There are two basic strategies employed in forex that one can learn from tutorials or from the actual exposure to the market.

The first strategy is the technical analysis.

This provides that a particular price chain reflects all the necessary information regarding the market. This entails a close analysis of the various aspects of the currency like the lowest and highest prices or the opening and closing prices.

The other strategy is the fundamental analysis.

As the name implies, it takes the overall situation. It focuses beyond the currency. It takes into account the situation of the country, economy, politics and even the rumors. Thus this requires more exposure and knowledge from the part of the trader.


The foreign exchange market promises so many possibilities to the trader. Many people may be interested in the forex but are only afraid to take the first step. This attitude should be turned around. Just have a good vision, take the necessary steps and make the forex venture a success.

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An Introduction To Trading In Foreign Currencies

Most people have heard of trading, like the New York Stock Exchange, and Forex trading isn’t far off from that. The difference is, is that Forex trading is the trading of currencies, not stocks. It also has a larger volume than stock and bond markets combined! As with stocks, it is a high-risk investment, but it can also have an extremely high return, easily doubling investments in minutes.
   The best part about Forex trading, is that it is done using a margin. That is, you don’t need the full amount to buy a currency. A Forex trader can buy $100,000.00 with just $1,000.00. This allows traders to make huge profits with minimal investment. And the Forex market is open to all types of investors, not just big organizations, and banks.
   The best place for an investor to start when considering the Forex market, is the Forex community. Research is key to understanding Forex trading. Consulting Forex forums and community boards can be extremely beneficial.
   The next thing to do would be to choose a system. A system, is a specially designed method, software, or course developed by professional in Forex trading. There are many systems out there, so research must be dome to make sure the system fits your needs. Before purchasing a system, you should ask them a few questions like, how long have they been in this business, and and if there is a trial version available. Make sure that they have customer testimonials too.
  By going to Forex forums, and chat rooms, one might be able to find out what system others are using, or what systems are recommended most. Most professional traders believe that having a trading system is an important factor in establishing a stable revenue in the forex market. Systems tell investors when, and what, should be done in each trading situation.
  Another thing that an investor will need is a broker, to assist with transactions. There’s a wide variety of brokers, so be prepared with questions about their credentials. Ask them about their leverage, and their spread. As these are both determining factors in how much money the investor can make with each investment. The investor may also choose to handle transactions themselves.
   An investor also needs to master analysis, and form a strategy, to get a competitive edge, and improve their odds. They need to learn to recognize the different factors that affect the Forex market. A person has a much better chance of success at trading forex, if they do their research, and know what to look for. And, in conclusion, it doesn't matter if a person is experienced or a beginner in the world of Forex!

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day Trading In The Currency Market

The buying or selling of a currency within the same calendar day is known as currency day trading. In this case, all trades are completed in the same day and nothing is held overnight. The United States passed laws six years ago that enabled small investors and common men to participate in currency day trading; previously, only large banks and financial institutions and millionaires were engaged in the practice.

Industry analysts believe that currency day trading is a well-kept secret of the rich and powerful who have the power to control all the banks, corporations and foundations throughout the world. In currency day trading, the traders have vast buying power. For instance, it enables traders to use $1 to control an investment worth $200, and $500 to control $100,000.

The professional day traders are divided into two primary categories, those who work alone and those who work for a larger institution. Most of the traders work for a larger institution as they are given access to greater resources. Large amounts of capital and leverage, expensive analytical software, and a direct line to a dealing desk are some of the facilities given to the trader who work with big companies. On the other hand, individual traders mostly manage other people’s accounts or just trade their own. As these people have limited resource access, it prevents them from competing directly with institutional day traders.

There is a lot of software with which a person can learn currency day trading practices. One needs to be a keen learner with an Internet connection. Websites such as Blackjack, Choice Daytraders and CompuTrade are some of the portals through which a person can learn more about currency day trading.

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Do You Think You Are Ready To Trade Foreign Currencies

Currency trading is the most popular way to earn to money and it is without doubt a very profitable market. However few are familiar with its unpleasant intricacies and most ignore a very important aspect: risk. It is not enough only to be given the chance to invest your money successfully, you have to be careful because Currency trading can be an efficient trading system or it can ruin you. Why is Currency trading risky?

- Currency trading is very unstable. It is the subject of rapid and overwhelming changes. The market is volatile and it is influenced by political events.
- One can loose at any time especially when he has just ventured into Currency trading. Experience, information and attention are necessary.
- Some unexpectedly loose the Risk Capital which sometimes consists of College money, the retirement funds or some other substantial sum that shouldn't have been considered as Currency trading capital in the first place.
- Fluctuations in currency prices, discrepancies between interest rates in two different countries, insolvency of financial institutions that take part in transactions and limited flow of exotic currencies will most likely lead to loss.
- Large profits and minimal losses are impossible to predict with 100% certainty.
- The Currency trading market has great winning potential, but it also has loss potential.
- Misinformation and the emotional baggage are most of the time cause of loss. Use facts, not hope or fear, when Currency trading.
- Sometimes trends can lead to money loss.
- Huge leverage is available to traders. This leads to dangerous positions that risk too much in comparison with the size of the account.
- Lacks of money management and of back testing plans are the mistakes that currency traders make sometimes.
- Using brokers is sometimes inefficient because this counterpart can refuse to trade during volatile market conditions affecting the retail trader. They can even widen spreads. However it is recommended to collaborate with a broker, because he can deal in the inter-bank market and he surely knows more about Currency trading making it safer from other points of view.
- Scams were very common years ago when dealing with a broker. However, one can be confident with the person he is working with by checking their background and the Institutions he is associated with (large banks, important insurance companies).

Don’t be frightened! It isn't all about risks. And don’t start trading in fear! You will loose this way. You just have to keep in mind all possibilities and avoid unwanted situations only you can get yourself into. All Currency traders have to be very well informed about their activity. They have to know technical analysis and how to read and interpret charts, they have to develop effective strategies and minimize risk. The financial exposure has to be limited and this can be done in many ways available to currency traders who inform themselves.

So, educate yourself, be prudent, take risks only when you can handle loss and always be prepared for anything. And have this in mind: If Currency trading isn't profitable then why are so many financial investors, banks, international institutions and important players that obtain huge amounts of cash by simply turning their own money into other currencies?

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Currency Trading As A Way To Make Big Profits

A way of winning huge profits.
Currency exchange is the trading of one currency against another. Professionals refer to this as foreign exchange, but may also use the acronyms Forex or FX.

Currency exchange is necessary in numerous circumstances. Consumers typically come into contact with currency exchange when they travel. They go to a bank or currency exchange bureau to convert  their "home currency into , the currency of the country they intend to travel to.
They  may also purchase goods in a foreign country or via the Internet with their credit card, in which case they will find that the amount they paid in the foreign currency will have been converted to their home currency on their credit card statement.

Although each such currency exchange is a relatively small transaction, the aggregate of all such transactions is significant. Businesses typically have to convert currencies when they conduct business outside their home country. They export goods to another country and receive payment in the currency of that foreign country, then the payment must often be converted back to the home currency.

Similarly, if they have to import goods or services, then businesses will often have to pay in a foreign currency, requiring them to first convert their home currency into the foreign currency. Large companies convert huge amounts of currency each year. The timing of when they convert can have a large affect on their balance sheet and  bottom line.Investors and speculators require currency exchange whenever they trade in any foreign investment, be that equities, bonds, bank deposits, or real estate.

Investors and speculators also trade currencies directly in order to benefit from movements in the currency exchange markets. Commercial and Investment Banks trade currencies as a service for their commercial banking, deposit and lending customers. These institutions also generally participate in the currency market for hedging and proprietary trading purposes.

 Governments and central banks trade currencies to improve trading conditions or to intervene in an attempt to adjust economic or financial imbalances. Although they do not trade for speculative reasons --- they are a non-profit organization --- they often tend to be profitable, since they generally trade on a long-term basis.

Currency exchange rates are determined by the currency exchange market.A currency exchange rate is typically given as a pair consisting of a bid price and an ask price. The ask price applies when buying a currency pair and represents what has to be paid in the quote currency to obtain one unit of the base currency. The bid price applies when selling and represents what will be obtained in the quote currency when selling one unit of the base currency. The bid price is always lower than the ask price.

Buying the currency pair implies buying the first, base currency and selling (short) an equivalent amount of the second, quote currency (to pay for the base currency). (It is not necessary for the trader to own the quote currency prior to selling, as it is sold short.)
A speculator buys a currency pair, if she believes the base currency will go up relative to the quote currency, or equivalently that the corresponding exchange rate will go up. Selling the currency pair implies selling the first, base currency (short), and buying the second, quote currency.

 A speculator sells a currency pair, if she believes the base currency will go down relative to the quote currency, or equivalently, that the quote currency will go up relative to the base currency. After buying a currency pair, the trader will have an open position in the currency pair.

 Right after such a transaction, the value of the position will be close to zero, because the value of the base currency is more or less equal to the value of the equivalent amount of the quote currency. In fact, the value will be slightly negative, because of the spread involved.

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Buying And Selling In Forex A Short Guide

These days everyone is talking about a new profitable activity called Forex trading and the great opportunity this activity represents for people willing to brake free from the corporate world and start working from home or any where else without losing their current lifestyle and even improving it.

Most experienced traders consider that the best and most  profitable of the capital markets is the Forex market. For many years Forex trading was the sole domain of major banks, large financial institutions and countries central banks; for example the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank. But these days, thanks to the internet the market has been opened to everyone willing to learn the best techniques in forex trading and with the intention of making substantial profits as the institutions mentioned above that annually and consistently make pretty high profits from trading in the Foreign Exchange market.

You have many advantages when trading the forex markets, for example; you don't have to worry about fees you may have to pay to your broker; there are also none of the usual fees to which futures and equity traders are accustomed to pay always; no exchange or clearing fees, no NFA or SEC fees.

The forex market has five major currencies: US Dollar, Japanese Yen, British Pound, Euro and the Swiss Franc. It is due to their great popularity in world's commerce transactions and its high activity that these five currencies account for over 70% of North American trading. Of course there  are other tradable currencies; they include the Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Dollars. These minor currencies account for 4% - 7% of the total market volume. Together, all this  five majors and minors currencies constitute the backbone of the Forex market.

The concept of “Buying” in Forex refers to the acquisition of a particular currency pair to open a trade and “Selling short” refers to the selling of a particular currency to open a trade, i.e, just the opposite. When you Buy, you are expecting the price of the currency pair to increase with time, i.e., you buy cheap to sell high; which is easy to understand. In the case of Selling short, it looks a bit more complicated. Here the way to make money is to initially sell a currency pair that you think will lose value in a given period of time and then, once it happened, you will buy it back at the new price but now you can sell it at the previous greater price the currency had when you opened the trade, so you earn the difference in prices. It may seem kind of tricky when you are starting, but once you are in front of your trading station it will look much simpler.

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A Few Reasons To Choose Forex Trading

Foreign Exchange Market is a market where traders buy and sell currencies with the hope of making a profit when the values of the currencies change in their favor. People are making vast amounts of money from Forex trading. The Forex Market has a big potential for everyone, ranging from large corporate firms to ordinary, everyday people like you and me.

It is a very exciting trade with a huge money-making potential. Just imagine yourself sitting comfortably in your pajamas at your computer… you turn on the internet and make a few quick transactions and by the time that you get up to get a cup of coffee, you are several hundred dollars rich! Would you like that? I would!!

I can hear you say, “Wait a minute!!  This sounds just like another one of those confusing markets like stocks, options or traditional futures, so what makes this market any different?”

Aaah! Good question! So, in answer to your question, here are 10 good (if not great) reasons to enter the Forex Trade:

1. First and foremost, Forex trading allows for small investments. You do not have to be able to invest thousands of dollars to get started with this trade. You can start trading Forex with as little as $300 to $350 and could be well on your way to earning more than that on your first day.

2. The Forex markets are always open! You are able to trade anytime and from anywhere in the world. No waiting for the stock exchange to open. The market is ongoing, with generally only minor breaks on the weekends.

3. The funds that you invest are liquid; you can cash them anytime you want. No waiting for days to get your stocks converted into hard cash.

4. The value of the Forex Trading market is COLOSSAL: it is 30 times larger than all of the US equity markets combined. It is the largest market in the world with daily reported volume of 1.5 to 2.0 trillion dollars. This massive value makes it a lucrative and desirable trade to invest in.

5. It is a highly stable trade and offers greater strength over other markets. Countries and people are ALWAYS going to need currency. Although the value of different currencies goes up and down, the fluctuations are not as dramatic as stock prices and generally follow a predictable trend.

6. You do not have to worry about commissions, exchange fees nor any hidden charges when you trade Forex.  Forex brokers make only a small percentage of the bid and there are very respectable and free brokers available as well. Is that not wonderful for you?

7. You make profits no matter which way the currency is going. You will not worry about a falling currency value if you know what to do with it and make good gains.

8. Forex is a very transparent market. Unlike equity markets, where analysts have an unfair advantage over the layman because of their insider knowledge, the relevant information for Forex is equally available to every one through international news. Therefore, all Forex traders are in a position to make pertinent decisions according to the current market situations.

9. Forex market is extremely quick! It takes not more than 1 to 2 seconds to complete your transactions because it is all done electronically, online and in Real Time.

10. The final good news is that you do not need any formal education, licensing, diploma or degree to trade Forex. All you need is the know-how of how it works, trading strategies and some tips and techniques and you can be on your way to earn big profits.

Forex trading online may be the fastest path to financial freedom and an end to all your financial worries. It truly is an excellent, if not THE best home business opportunity for ordinary people.
You owe it to yourself to give it a try!!!
Prosperity and happiness to all!

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Want To Be Successful With Forex You Need To Know These Things

With the amazing growth of the forex market, you are going to see an astounding amount of traders lose all their money. Unfortunately, they haven't followed the simple steps I have laid out for you. Go through these steps and give yourself the greatest opportunity to achieve your goals.

1. Have Faith In Yourself

To reach the level of elite forex trader, you must trust in yourself and your forex trading education. You must be willing to make all your trading decisions, instead of relying on someone else's thoughts or ability (or lack of). Of course, you will prepare yourself fully before every risking any money.

2. Accept Your Learning Curve

Unless you are a veteran trader, you will lose money trading the Forex market. This is a near certainty. I don't say this to talk you out of trading. In fact, quite the opposite. You will be trading against others that fall to this reality day in and day out. You, however, will not risk a dime until you have learned the skills you need to make money trading the forex.

3. Decide What Type of Trader You Are

There are many ways to trade the forex. They range from very active to very patient. You must decide which style suits you best. The best time to learn this about yourself is while you are trading a demo account. There is no need to allow your learning curve to cost you money.

4. Get Educated

Education is the shortest path to elite forex trading. Regardless of your ultimate goals, you will reach them quicker with a great forex trading education. Take some time to review different options before deciding on who to trust with your forex trading education needs. A forex seminar will help shorten your learning curve drastically.

5. Continue to Get Educated

In order to achieve and retain elite forex trading skills, you must constantly be adding to you knowledge base. Your education should never end. In fact, one of the key points to look for in an elite forex trading course is ongoing education. It's nice to have an ongoing relationship with the person/people helping you to achieve your goals.

What separates an elite forex trader from all others is their desire and ability to be independent. Many traders are willing to follow signals, systems, strategies, or anything else you may call them. By taking this approach, however, these traders are only as good as the people they follow.

An elite forex trader will lead. Their decisions will be calculated and analyzed to near perfection. They will make decisions with no hesitation, and handle the growth of their account in a predetermined, intelligent fashion. Take your trading to their level and you will never look back.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Couple Things You Need To Know About Forex

In order to succeed successfully in forex trading you need to know what the purpose of trading forex is. Forex trading as you know is the trading of online currency and the key to success is to buy low and sell high just as with any other market. You task as a forex trader is to try to determine the trend of the particular currency you are looking to either buy or sell and to utilise the forex trading strategies to ensure that a profit is made.

Now that you know the purpose of forex trading the next step in knowing all about forex is to understand the codes, definitions and numbers used when trading. All currencies used in forex trading are assigned a three letter code. An example of this is the US dollar which is USD or the Euro EUR. Online currency trading is done in combinations that are known as a cross and these are represented by 6 letter words with the more expensive currency coming first. An example of this is GBPUSD which will show you how many US Dollar you will need to pay for one British pound. These rates are shown as five digit numbers for example GPBUSD = 1.6262 which means that 1 British pound is worth 1.6262 US dollars. When the rate changes the change will be displayed in bold, eg GPBUSD = 1.6264 which will mean that the rate has moved by 2 points. Knowing this is the key to successful forex trading and your key to profit.

When you enter the forex trading market you will enter as a buyer or a seller of a particular currency. If you are a seller you price is known as the ASK price and the buyers price is known as the BID. You can only buy currency from a seller with an asking price the same as the BID price.

These are the main beginner’s points to note when it comes to forex trading and knowing what the purpose of trading forex is and knowing all about forex before you enter into the market can make a big difference when it comes to your profits.

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You Are Going To Lose Forex Trades So Do It Gracefully

The lack of a proper trading plan which includes precise rules for entering and exiting a trade will most certainly guarantee failure over the long term. Beginners usually suffer from the same common ailments. They abandon trading plans purely on impulse because things are not going exactly as how they had envisioned. Repeatedly they use unreliable methods that fail to produce a profit. Many traders hold on to losing positions telling themselves “it is going to turn” when every indicator says otherwise because they cannot bear the thought of a loss.

Why do they torture themselves? Why don’t they just identify what’s going wrong and make a change? For some people recognizing that a trade or even a trading method is not working and making a change is easy, but for others it’s very difficult. They have to look at their limitations admit that they have made a mistake and that’s hard because it hurts our ego. Psychologically it’s risky, it’s often easier to fool ourselves. Just keep going, living in a state of denial until your account is depleted. If you recognize any of these traits in yourself you must stop trading immediately.

Take a good look at what has been happening, try and identify the problem. If you look close enough you may see a pattern. This is why it is vital to record every trade and as much information about it as possible. You have to break out of old patterns and see things in a new light.

You will never be a successful trader if you continue to live in a state of denial. What can be done to return to reality? There is a lot you can do. First of all make sure you are not trading under stress. When stressed out you can’t see clearly, you become rigid and unable to see alternative views. One of the easiest solutions is to trade smaller. The smaller the trade the less the stress, especially for the beginner. If you are experienced and in a loosing streak reduce your contracts until you get your confidence returns. Some people need to take a break altogether. Get away from it all. Take your mind off the trading.

The second thing you can do is to make sure you have a life. Trading can be addictive especially when you are winning. Do not put all your emotional eggs in the trading basket. You need to have other roles that give your life meaning and purpose. By defining your identity in a variety of ways, you will not place un-natural importance on trading events. Therefore, you will be able to take losses in stride and look at your trading more objectively.

Finally, radical acceptance is a key mental strategy for coping with market uncertainty. Many traders make the mistake of thinking they can control the markets. Nobody can control the markets. We must learn to accept anything that comes our way and to trade accordingly. Adopt the attitude that trading is a journey and that all we can do is go where the markets take us.

To succeed on this journey you cannot afford to lose too much. Manage risk and just accept what you get and enjoy the ride. This way you will trade more freely and creatively. Don’t live your life in denial. Accept your limitations, work around them, and become a winning trader. Write out your trading plan with precise entry and exit points. Most important set your stops and mentally decide you will not break them. Test your system on paper and when confident test in real time with the minimum contract size. You will have losing trades, accept them with grace and go on to the next trade.

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Using A Profitable Forex Strategy When Trading

Making money in the forex market is not an easy task by any means.  However, given a bit of education and knowledge of the market, it can become quite easy to profit in the forex market.  Most traders end up learning that it’s the simply systems that create the wealth.  Over analyzing and over thinking can sometimes affect your trading methods and strategy.

The trading method I am going to explain here is probably going to upset you a little and will most likely go against everything you have ever been taught about forex.  However, you have to remember that this is my personal strategy and its how I make money.  It may not work for the next person, but it has shown me a way to make a substantial amount of money in the forex market.

Through your forex training you might have heard traders tell you to always trade with a stop-loss.  If you don’t know what a stop-loss is, it’s simply an order telling the broker when you would like to cut your losses.  I don’t trade with a stop-loss period.  How is this so?  How can I make money without using a stop-loss?  I tend to believe that the big players in the forex market like to drive this market in certain directions to take out other traders stop-loss positions.  In order for the banks to make money, they have to take other traders monies, therefore taking out stop-loss orders in the market.  I don’t allow the banks to do this to me personally.

Secondly, on each trade look to make only a few pips. In some cases this is known as scalping the market.  On each trade I am only looking to get 3 to maybe 6 pips or as I like to say, get in and get out.

Your next question might be, “how do I know when to enter and exit the market?”  I use a set of indicators combine with a detailed analysis of trend lines and channels.  The indicators tell me when to get in and get out and the trend lines give me the overall direction of the market for the next month to few years. Having a good idea of where the market is heading over the course of a few years gives me a good idea whether I am in buy mode or sell mode on a daily basis.

How is it possible to survive without using a stop-loss?  Very simply put, do not risk large amounts on each trade.  I only risk one tenth of my account balance per trade.  For example, I only trade $1 lots on a $10,000 account.  What this enables me to do is use no stop-loss.  If the market moves 200 points no problem.  By the time the market moves 200 points, I’ve already made 100 other trades in profit all for 3 to 6 pips each. If the market continues to get away from me, I continue trading each day gaining which eventually compensates for the few losers and eventually overrides them.  When the market comes back in my favor, those losing trades are making profit every step of the way.

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A Short Guide To Forex Trading

Trading money in the global markets can be great way to make more of it, it can also be a lesson in how to lose money quickly. More than $1 trillion is traded every day on the foreign currency exchange (Forex), and yet no centralized headquarters or formal regulatory body exists for this form of trade. Foreign currency exchange is regulated through a patchwork of international agreements between countries, most of which have some type of regulatory agency that controls what goes on within their respective borders. Thus, the foreign currency exchange actually is a worldwide network of traders who are connected by telephone and computer screens.

Although more international policing of money trading has occurred in recent years, authorities have had some successes exposing scams and frauds that victimize traders, especially newer ones. So if you want to try this wild world of trading, you need to be wary and not depend entirely on experts. Sure, experts can help you in explaining the working of foreign exchange markets and how the language of the Forex and its risks are unique, but you need a lot more training before you even consider entering this extremely risky trading arena.

If you have ever traveled outside the United States, you have probably traded in a foreign currency. Every time you travel outside your home country, you have to exchange your country’s currency for the currency used in the country you are visiting. If you are a US citizen shopping in England and you see a sweater that you want for 100 pounds (the pound is the name of the basic unit of currency in Great Britain), you would need to know the exchange rate. And that’s the way foreign currency exchange is used by the average shopper, but foreign currency traders trade much larger sums of money thousands of times a day.

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Taking A Quick Look At Forex Trading Systems

Forex trading systems are all about getting investments into the foreign markets. Foreign exchange markets are abbreviated to be called Forex. The worldwide trading of stocks in companies and in products happen over the Forex trading system. There are over a trillion dollars traded on the Forex market everyday. You can learn to chart and follow markets in the Forex trade world on your own, or you can rely on a broker as you would in the New York stock exchange. The Forex trading systems are similar in method, but each is a proven method of how to make money, how to learn about companies and how to follow what is going on with the money you are investing in the Forex trading markets.

You can live anywhere in the world and trade stocks and investments in the companies that are involved in the Forex markets. There are no limitations to the money you can make, or the money you can lose. The Forex markets can be tapped into online, over the phone or by contacting a broker in person.  If you are interested in making money, you can do it on the Forex market, without having to have employees, or a broker to do this. You can get involved in learning about the investments in the Forex markets, and take on the responsibility for your own money, and making your own money. Many are starting their own businesses using their education and experience on the Forex market to make money.

The Forex market is one that is world wide, so there is sure to be something of interest to just about anyone that wants to expand their investments and expand their learning about money in the world wide markets. There are many experts in the Forex markets, and using the Forex trading system that you feel most comfortable with, you can be a Forex market expert as well.

There are no go between's, such as large banks or such when you are involved in the Forex market. There are no need for fees and transaction fees when you do your own trading on the Forex markets. You can learn the Forex trading system that best suits your learning needs, and follow it to chart companies, chart growths, and to invest in companies that have a solid future. There are companies and markets through out the world that you can invest with, to increase your wealth and your investment portfolio.

A few different regions of trading exist in the Forex markets, with sessions in Tokyo, Asia Pacific, and in the Americas. Trading is always non-stop, and moving from London to New York, to Tokyo and so on again and again. You can invest in the US dollar, the Euro, the Japanese Yen, or in Swiss Franc among others.

In my opinion, the best trading system can be found at: ITM Financial Forex Social Signals

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Monday, September 9, 2013

A More In Depth Look At Forex Trading For Beginners

Foreign exchange (forex) currency trading, the largest financial market in the world, requires a minimum of capital to invest and the profits can be substantial. Once you have learned the basics of forex, you’re on the way to making money through the simultaneous buying or selling of currencies. Forex trading is instantaneous; as soon as you click the mouse, it’s done. The most commonly traded currencies, easiest to liquidate, are the U.S. dollar, Japanese yen, British pound, Swiss Franc, the Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, and the Eurodollar.

Unlike the stock market, forex trading has no central exchange. With forex, you can make a profit whether the market is up or down vs. only making money when the stock market is on the rise. By taking the long position with a pair of currencies, the forex trader buys at one price and sells when it reaches a higher price. The other option for the forex trader is to go short by selling currencies, anticipating depreciation, and then buying back when the value falls. The forex trader can pick either direction, long or short, and if correct, he will generate a profit. You can also set up a certain point (limit order) based on the amount of profit you want to earn to automatically limit the order. In the same way, you can stop or close an order to automatically liquidate if the currency trade is going against you.

In general, the strength of a country’s economy determines the value of its currency. Other factors to take into consideration in forex trading are the political and social status of the country, interest and employment rates, and the overall stability of its government. You will learn to see patterns or trends as you become more familiar with the in’s and out’s of forex trading.

The Forex market is a 24-hour trading place, Sunday through Friday, giving you the option of trading at any time of the day or night. Unlike the stock market, it doesn’t close with the ringing of the bell. Forex online firms provide demos, guidance, and market news for the beginning investor. You can practice your skills in forex trading before actually investing real capital. Once you’ve learned the basics, a minimum investment is made, sometimes as low as $200.00. These “mini-trading” accounts are a good way to begin forex trading and often there is no commission attached to your trading. You don’t have to be a seasoned market analyst or economist to learn, enjoy, and make money with forex currency trading.

In the Foreign Currency Exchange, earnings are expressed in "pips". Pip is short for Price Interest Point, also called points. Whereas the smallest denomination in USD is the penny ($.01), in Currency Exchange, funds can be traded in an even smaller denomination, $0.0001. This means that very small movements in currency prices can create large profits. 

So, a PIP is the smallest unit a currency can be traded in. The actual value of a pip is not a set price. If you are trading with a standard account, a pip is worth $10. If you are trading a mini account, a pip is only worth $1. 

The value of a pip changes based upon the size of your account, because the size of your account affects how much currency you can leverage. A standard full size trading account is 100,000 units of the base currency. If you are trading in USD, a standard account has a value of $100,000 USD. 

A mini lot is 10,000 units of base currency. If you are trading mini lots, you can leverage $10,000. This is why a pip in a mini account is worth less than a pip in a standard full sized account. 

While Forex trading allows you to leverage more funds than you actually have, this can be a double edged sword. While you can make profits on funds that you leverage (rather than own), you can also have losses amplified as well. There are several ways, however, to manage your risk when trading Forex. If you are interested in trading Forex, you should have a definite trading strategy. You must educate yourself to know when to enter and exit the market and what kind of movements to anticipate. 

You can also place something known as a stop loss order. Stop-loss orders the typical way traders minimize risk when placing an entry order. A stop-loss order to exit your position if the currency price reaches a certain point. 

If you are taking a long position, you would place the stop loss order below current market price. For a short position, you would place a stop loss order above current market price. This technique allows you to manage your risk and, just as the name suggests, stop your losses at a certain point. 

As you can see, Forex trading can be complex, but once you understand the basic fundamental principals of how lots are traded, its starts to come together for you. Foreign Currency Trading can be quite profitable and and exciting way to invest.

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You Can Make Huge Profits From Forex Trading But Will You

If you want to make big profits from currency trading, you need to lock into and follow the longer-term trends.

“The art of contrary” thinking is one of the most powerful tools a trader can use, and is a trait with which all true great traders are familiar with.

What is the Art of Contrary Thinking?

Humphrey Neill’s book, "the art of contrary thinking,” the best known work on the subject, is based on a simple powerful idea that:

"When everybody thinks alike, everybody is likely to be wrong"

“The art of contrary” thinking consists in training your mind to ruminate in directions opposite to general public opinions; but basing your opinion in the light of current events and human behavior”.

Why Contrary Trading Works

By spotting situations when the consensus of a currency is either extremely bullish or bearish, means that a trend change is imminent, as it is likely the emotions of greed and fear have pushed prices too far away from true value.

If you can step aside from the crowd and take a contrary view at these turning points, you can make big currency trading profits. Contrary thinking can be used in any market and is highly effective in currencies.

Contrary thinking can be used to make really big currency trading profits and if used selectively, when markets are extremely over bought or oversold, you can be in right at the start of the trend for maximum profitability.

In any currency you look at - The Yen, Euro, British Pound Swiss Franc Canadian or Australian dollar and many others, there are always occasions where a currency trend in the news is forecast to continue, due to overwhelming evidence in its favor and it then promptly collapses!

Big profits from currency trading can therefore be made by using the art of contrary thinking when the market is extremely bullish or bearish.

Why? Because everyone who has bought has taken positions and there are no buyers left. Prices have moved away from fair value. When there is no more buying to enter the market, a trend change is imminent.

It is clear that to succeed and make big profits in currency trading you need to think independently of the majority at important market turning points.

You can make big profits in currency trading from trend following, but you can with a little practice spot potential turning points in currencies as well which will help you bank profits, tighten stops or open new trades right on the turn, for maximum profitability.

Contrary trading will not only make you big profits in currency trading but in ANY market and has worked for centuries, as human nature never changes.

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Would You Like To Become A Better Trader

It is a well documented fact that within the “business” of trading the financial markets, as much as 90 % of the participants lose and continue to lose money. So if 90 % are losing, that therefore means that 10% are gaining each and every time.

In order to improve my own trading record, I deliberately set out to try and discover what it was I had to do to become one of the 10% (The Winners) who are consistently making money from the unfortunate remaining 90%  (The Losers) who don’t.

My research and investigations was to speak to as many successful traders as I could, to read as many articles, publications and books which have been written by successful traders. It wasn't until I started my research, that I quickly realized just how much has been and no doubt will continue to be written about trading and the psychology of trading. What is even more astounding is the amount that has been written by so called “gurus” who actually haven’t made any significant amounts of money from a business that they are supposed to be experts in. I will tell you about some of my findings relating to these authors in future articles.

It is my intention to publish my findings in a series of articles over the next 3 months and I hope you can learn and improve your own trading from implementing the information which I release.

I personally trade the FOREX market now but I have tried trading stocks, futures, commodities and options. I will be covering the reasons for concentrating on FOREX in a later article but in the meantime let me tell you about one of my many discoveries.

Every one of the successful traders I interviewed, stressed the importance of keeping a journal of their trades. They would record the date, time, what they traded, buy or sell, price, indicators used including levels and/or figures, trends (long, medium and short) and an overall description of why they took the trade. It was also imperative that the journal entry included notes about the trade after the event. If it made money what was the criteria, and if it was a losing trade, why had it turned out to be like this and any contributing factors.

Now comes the interesting part. Everyone of them stated that they regularly reviewed their journal (some weekly and some monthly) but everyone quite categorically looked back over past trades. No doubt learning from their mistakes and to improve and repeat on their successful trades.

Trading is very disciplined  with definite rules for entering and exiting trades. These rules must be adhered to at all times and one of the rules is entering all details about the trade in the journal, making no exceptions.

I hope you will all learn something from this and if you aren't already maintaining a record of your trades, then please start doing so from now on. Also regularly go back over your records on a regular basis. You will  see a marked improvement in your performance.

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Giving You A Broad Overview Of Forex Trading

Forex, is an exchange that allows investors to trade national currencies through the foreign exchange. This is the worlds largest market for currency, based on the Dollar, anywhere between 1 – 2 TRILLION dollars are traded upon this market on a daily basis. This type of trade is typically performed online or on the telephone. By taking advantage of the world wide web, you are enabling yourself to make your investments in a reliable, easy, safe and fast way.

Some investors are able to enjoy returns of around thirty percent on a monthly basis, this takes a great deal of experience to gain this type of enormous return on your investment. The Forex market does not have one specific place of trade like many of the other markets do, for this reason alone is why most of the trade is performed by internet, fax, or telephone. In the beginning for currency trade was not all that popular, they were bringing in only about seventy billion dollars on a daily basis, with the invention of Forex, that number grew massively.

Of course, the currencies do not only deal with the American dollar, these currencies can be translated to over 5,000 currency institutions world wide, which include, commercial companies, large brokers, international banks, and government banks. Many major countries have forex trading centers such as, Frankfurt, London, New York, Paris, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Bombay to name a few.

When trading online there are many benefits such as, the ability to trade or track your investments at anytime day or night, from anywhere within the world that offers an internet connection. Another added benefit, is that some online exchange sites allow you to start with a small investment, known as a mini account, some with as little as two-hundred dollars. With online trading, the trade is instant. When you trade offline you have to deal with paperwork, with online trading there is no paper work involved.

The world of the internet, has allow us to do many things with just a click of a button, where else can you bank, trade, talk to your family and friends, research your investments and earn money all at the same time? Make the internet work in your best interest by implementing online trading into your portfolio. There’s a whole world of money waiting for you to earn with your online investments, and it’s all available at the click of your mouse button.

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A Few Advantages Of Trading Foreign Currency

What are the advantages of the Forex Market over other types of investments?

When thinking about various investments, there is one investment vehicle that comes to mind. The Forex or Foreign Currency Market has many advantages over other types of investments. The Forex market is open 24 hrs a day, unlike the regular stock markets. Most investments require a substantial amount of capital before you can take advantage of an investment opportunity. To trade Forex, you only need a small amount of capital. Anyone can enter the market with as little as $300 USD to trade a “mini account”, which allows you to trade lots of 10,000 units. One lot of 10,000 units of currency is equal to 1 contract. Each “pip” or move up or down in the currency pair is worth a $1 gain or loss, depending on which side of the market you are on. A standard account gives you control over 100,000 units of currency and a pip is worth $10.

The Forex market is also very liquid.  When trading Forex you have full control of your capital.
Many other types of investments require holding your money up for long periods of time. This is a disadvantage because if you need to use the capital it can be difficult to access to it without taking a huge loss. Also, with a small amount of money, you can control

Forex traders can be profitable in bullish or bearish market conditions. Stock market traders need stock prices to rise in order to take a profit. Forex traders can make a profit during up trends and downtrends. Forex Trading can be risky, but with having the ability to have a good system to follow, good money management skills, and possessing self discipline, Forex trading can be a relatively low risk investment.

 The Forex market can be traded anytime, anywhere.  As long as you have access to a computer, you have the ability to trade the Forex market. An important thing to remember is before jumping into trading currencies, is it wise to practice with “paper money”, or “fake money.” Most brokers have demo accounts where you can download their trading station and practice real time with fake money. While this is no guarantee of your performance with real money, practicing can give you a huge advantage to become better prepared when you trade with your real, hard earned money. There are also many Forex courses on the internet, just be careful when choosing which ones to purchase.

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Why You Should Be Trading The Forex Market

More and more savvy investor and entrepreneurs are shunning traditional financial markets, like stocks, bonds and commodities and building their fortunes in the foreign exchange (forex) marketplace.
The reason why they are turning to the all electronic world of Forex trading is its numerous advantages over any type of investments.
Even if you are an experienced Stocks or Commodities trader you will discover how powerful the Forex is.
You can make $200 to $3000 in less than 30 minutes of work everyday.
Forex Trading is much less risky than trading currencies on the futures market, much more profitable, and a lot easier, than trading stocks.

Why should you trade the forex market? Here are the reason why...

1) The forex market is open 24 hours, it never sleeps.
You can enter a position, or exit whenever you want, whenever you are six days a week. You do not need to wait for the opening bell like if you was trading stocks. it is excellent for you as you choose the best time for you to trade.

2) The daily trading volume of the Forex is around $1.5 trillion dollars
It is 30 times larger than the combined volume of all U.S. equity markets. This means that 1,498,574 skilled traders could each take 1 million dollars out of the FOREX market every day and the FOREX would still have more money left than the New York Stock would have daily!

3) You profit in both raising market or falling market.
You have equal potential to profit in both a rising or falling market, because it' s up to you to buy a currency, or to sell it, after you determined the market trend tendency.

4) You can trade from anywhere.
If you like to travel, this is a dream business, you just take your lap top with you and that' s it, you can make money from anywhere in the world, all that you need is to be sure that you can access an Internet Connection.

5) The leverage is considerable.
In fact, you don' t need a lot of money to trade forex, it is recommended to start with $2000, but you can start with $300, then if you have a proved strategy, your investment will grow consequently, as you can trade up to 200 times your investment. You can trade 100,000- unit currency lots with as little as 1% margin, or $1,000. there is no comparison with the stock market where you need a big amount of money to start, if you want to see real profits. And beside that, you need to post  50% margin.

6) Price Movements Are Highly Predictable.
Price movement or highly volatile in the forex, however, the foreign currencies market is moving in trends, and you can identify these trends - as they repeat in cycle- with the technical analysis.

7) No commission fees.
Unlike the stock market, brokers don' t take commission on transaction.

To trade forex, you don' t need to have a lot of money to start; you can trade at any time, from anywhere, with a Internet connection, you will not have an order pending because of lack of liquidity, you will not have to work all during the day.

The forex market has many advantages over the other traditional investments, and for sure, it will give you more freedom, and more money.

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Learn To Start Trading In The Forex Market Part 5

What are *PIPS* ?

Currencies are traded on a price/ point (pip) system. Each currency pair has its own pip value.

When you see a FOREX price quote, you'll see something listed like this:

EUR/USD 1.2210/13


a) If you want to BUY the EUR/USD ( meaning you BUY EUROS and SELL US$ ) you buy 100,000 EUROS and you SELL 122,130 US$, or in other words you receive
122,130 US$ for 100,000 EUROS.

B) If you want to SELL the EUR/USD ( meaning you SELL EUROS and BUY US$ ) you buy 122,100 US$ and sell 100,000 EUROS, or in other words you receive 100,000 EUROS for 122,100 US$.

The difference between the bid and the ask price is referred to as the spread. In the example above, the spread is 3 or 3 pips.

Since the US dollar is the centerpiece of the FOREX market, it is normally considered the 'base' currency for quotes. In the "Majors", this includes USD/JPY, USD/CHF and USD/CAD. For these currencies and many others, quotes are expressed as a unit of $1 USD per the second currency quoted in the pair.

For example a quote of USD/CHF 1.3000 means that fore one U.S. dollar you receive 1.30 Swiss Francs. or in other words, you receive 1.30 Swiss Franc for each 1 US$.

When the U.S. dollar is the base unit and a currency quote goes up, it means the dollar has appreciated in value and the other currency has weakened. If the USD/CHF quote above increases to 1.3050 the dollar is stronger because it will now buy more Swiss Franc than before.

The three exceptions to this rule are the British pound (GBP), the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Euro (EUR). In these cases, you might see a quote such as EUR/USD 1.2080, meaning that for EURO you receive 1.2080 U.S. Dollars.

In these three currency pairs, where the U.S. dollar is not the base rate, a rising quote means a weakening dollar, as it now takes more U.S. dollars to equal one Euro, British pound or an Australian dollar.

In other words, if a currency quote goes higher, that increases the value of the base currency. A lower quote means the base currency is weakening.

Currency pairs that do not involve the U.S. dollar are called cross currencies, but the calculation is the same. For example, a quote of EUR/JPY 134.50 signifies that one Euro is equal to 134.50 Japanese yen.

HOW TO BUY ( going “ LONG ”)and SELL ( going “ SHORT ”) in the FOREX Market?

Keep in mind 2 very important rules:

RULE # 1) Cut your LOOSING trades and let your WINNING trades RUN

YOU WILL HAVE LOSING TRADES. Every FOREX trader has. The secret is, that a consistent, disciplined trader, at the end of the day, adds up more winning trades than losing trades.

When you and see on your charts, without any doubt, that you are in a losing trade, don't keep losing money. Most of the novice traders are lowering their stop loss just to “prove they are right” or “hoping that the market will reverse”. 99% of these trades, are ending up with more losses. Most of the profitable trades are usually "right" immediately.

Remember, smart traders know there are many other opportunities. CUT your losses short and compound those winning positions.

RULE 2) NEVER EVER trade FOREX without placing a Stop Loss Order.

PLACE a STOP order, right along with your ENTRY order, via your online trading station, to prevent potential losses.

Before initiating any trade, you have to calculate at what point ( price) you would be wrong, because the market changed direction, and would want to cut your losses.

To make profits, in the FOREX, a trader can enter the market with a *buy position* (known as going "long") or a *sell position* (known as going "short").

As an example let's assume you've been studying the EURO. The EURO is paired first with the U.S. dollar or USD.

Your trading methods, rules, strategies, etc., tell you that the EURO will rice in the next 2 weeks, So you buy the EUR/USD pair meaning you will simultaneously buy EUROS, and SELL dollars).

You open up your excellent trading station software (provided to you for free by Fenix Capital Management, LLC ) and you see that the EUR/USD pair is trading at:

EUR/USD: 1.2010/1.2013

As you you believe that the market price for the EUR/USD pair will go higher, you will enter a *buy position* in the market.

As an example, lets say you bought one lot EUR/USD at 1.2013. As long as you sell back the pair at a higher price, then you make money.

To illustrate a typical FX SELL trade, consider this scenario involving the USD/JPY currency pair:

REMEMBER Selling ("going short") the currency pair implies selling the first, base currency, and buying the second, quote currency. You sell the currency pair if you believe the base currency (USD) will go down relative to the quote currency (JPY), or equivalently, that the quote currency (JPY) will go up relative to the base currency (USD).


The Profit Calculations, on the Short-sell trade scenario below, may seem somewhat complicated if you've never been in the FOREX market before, but this process is continually calculated through your broker trade station (software). I show you this process below so you can SEE how a PROFIT might occur.

The current bid/ask price for USD/JPY is 107.50/107.54, meaning you can buy $1 US for 107.54 YEN, or sell $1 US for 107.50 YEN.

Suppose you think that the US Dollar (USD) is overvalued against the YEN (JPY). To execute this strategy, you would sell Dollars (simultaneously buying YEN), and then wait for the exchange rate to rise.

Your trade would be the following: you sell 1 lot USD (US $100,000) and you buy 1 lot JPY (10,754.000 YEN). (Remember, at 0.25 % margin, your initial margin deposit for this trade would be $ 250.)

As you expected, USD/JPY falls to 106.50/106.54, meaning you can now buy $1 US for $106.54 Japanese YEN or sell $1 US for 106.50.

Since you're short dollars (and are long YEN), you must now buy dollars and sell back the YEN to realize any profit.

You buy US $100,000 at the current USD/JPY rate of 106.54, and receive 10,654,000 YEN. Since you originally bought (paid for) 10,754,000 YEN, your profit is 100,000 YEN.

To calculate your P&L in terms of US dollars, divide 100,000 by the current USD/JPY rate of 106.54

Total profit = US $938.61

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Learn To Start Trading In The Forex Market Part 4

How Currencies are quoted and what moves individual currencies?

ONE of the best advantages in FOREX Trading is

The amount of money you need to place a trade (known as "margin") is all that can be lost !

You have to know, that despite the super-high leverage offered by some Forex brokers up to (400:1); meaning if you put up $ 1000 the broker will allow you to trade like you really have $400.000).

Forex trading is still less riskier than Stock or Futures Trading, where you can loose more than you have deposited in your account.

This type of LEVERAGE does NOT EXIST in the equities or futures market

In the Equities or Futures markets, very often, sudden and dramatic moves occur, against which you can’t protect yourself, even by having placed your protective stops.

Your position may be liquidated at a loss, and you’ll be liable for any resulting deficit in the account.

But because of the FX market’s deep liquidity and 24-hour, continuous trading, dangerous trading gaps and limit moves are almost eliminated.

Orders are executed quickly, without slippage or partial fills. And finally, there are no margin calls. For your protection, the broker will automatically close out some or all of your open positions if your account equity falls below the level required to hold the positions.

Think of this as a final, automatic stop, always working on your behalf to prevent a debit balance.

Currencies are traded in dollar amounts called “ LOTS”

In Forex trading, with most Brokers, you have the choice between 2 different lot sizes.

Standard Lots or Mini Lots.

One Standard lot is equal to $100,000 in currency. The margin requirements, using a 400:1 Leverage, would be US$ 250, in other word you control $100,000 worth of currency for only 250 US dollars.

You mean, depositing $250 with a broker, I could trade 100,000$ worth of currency ???

NO, be aware, that your account size has to be more than the required margin of US 250. For example, if you place an order to buy 1 Standard lot ( @100,000) of USD/JPY and USD/JPY is quoted as 112.10/112.13, you buy USD/JPY at 112.13.

Your account balance would be $220, because you paid 3 pips or $ 30 for this trade.

If you would close this trade immediately, you have to sell it at 112.10 (the bid price) , for a loss of $ 30.

In fact you could not get executed on this trade, as the brokers trading platform would reject your order, for the reason of having insufficient funds in your account).

So, your account balance has to be minimum $280. $250 for margin and $30 for the trade.

BUT....IF, after you have initiated the trade to buy USD/JPY at 112.13, and the USD/JPY falls the next second 1 pip ( approx. $8), your position would be closed automatically, because of margin deficit.

I will explain later about having an adequate account size to trade the Forex Market.

Currencies are always traded in pairs in the FOREX. The pairs have a unique notation that expresses what currencies are being traded.

The symbol for a currency pair will always be in the form ABC/DEF. ABC/DEF is not a real currency pair, it is an example of a symbol for a currency pair. In this example ABC is the symbol for one countries currency and DEF is the symbol for another countries currency.

Some of the most common symbols used in Forex are:

USD - The US Dollar
EUR - The currency of the European Union "EURO"
GBP - The British Pound or cable
JPY - The Japanese Yen
CHF - The Swiss Franc
AUD - The Australian Dollar
CAD - The Canadian Dollar

There are symbols for other currencies as well, but these are the most commonly traded ones.

A currency can never be traded by itself. So you can not ever trade the USD by itself. You always need to BUY one currency and SELL another currency to make a trade possible.

Some of the most traded currency pairs are:

EUR/USD Euro against US Dollar

USD/JPY US Dollar against Japanese Yen

GBP/USD British Pound against US Dollar

USD/CAD US Dollar against Canadian Dollar

AUD/USD Australian Dollar against US Dollar

USD/CHF US Dollar against Swiss Franc

EUR/JPY Euro against Japanese Yen

The currency left of the / is called the base currency.

The currency right of the / is called the counter currency.

When you place an order to buy the EUR/USD, for instance, you are actually buying the EUR and selling the USD.

If you were to sell the pair, you would be selling the EUR and buying the USD. So if you buy or sell a currency PAIR, you are buying/selling the base currency.

The best way to remember is, by just thinking of the entire currency pair as one item.

If you buy buy the first currency and sell the second currency. If you sell sell the first currency and buy the second currency.

That means you would to be able to short-sell with no restrictions so you could make money when the market drops as well as when it rises.

The problem with traditional stock market or commodity trading is that the market has to go up for you to make money. With FOREX trading you can make money in all directions.

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